We are at the forefront to provide teer results for Shillong, Khanpara, Juwai, Bhutanand Night. We are one of the most reliable sources in the field of online archery games played in Meghalaya. You can find all the information about the followings,
- Shillong Teer Result
- Khanapara Teer Result
- Juwai & night Teer Result
We also provide daily common numbers (targets) on time. Target numbers provided by us are for the user so that they can get success and recover the losses they made. We do hereby want to clarify that the target/common numbers provided by us are not guaranteed and hence the user must be cautious. We provide a common number for the followings,
- Shillong Common Number
- Khanapara target Number
- Juwai Common Number
- Night target Number
We understand that these previous records are an important piece of information for any player in this game. We are keeping old records of these games for more than 3 years and it is easily accessible to our users. These old records are required for any player to cross-check, finding a pattern or sequence.
- Shillong Teer old Result
- Khanapara Teer old results
- Night Teer old Result
- Juwai archery old Results
This is a traditional game of Khasi but when you want to master in this game, there are much important information requirements for a user to be 74rummy.comsuccessful in this game and out of which bellow mentioned are most important,
- Teer Dream Numbers: these numbers are derived from the dream that you saw last night, you can have a look and find out what does your dream says if you have come across a dream last night.
- Teer success Formula: many believe teer formulas can help us calculate mathematically or predict teer and we have such a teer formula, you must go through and try yourself.
We update archery results, targets, and previous results daily. We cannot guarantee that everyday results will be from our targets. However, users from all over India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Bhutan still have an excellent review of these numbers. You may also visit
Our Website
Our Official YouTube Channel
https://www.youtube.com/c/TheTeerOfficial for more information.